Emerging Poet Award Finalist: “In other news” by Oakley Flanagan

Oakley Flanagan is a writer and poet from the West Midlands, by way of Ireland. As a playwright: ‘This Queer House’, VAULT Festival, directed by Masha Kevinovna, produced by OPIA Collective. Their poetry appears in bath magg, Poetry London, Poetry Review, The North, Under the Radar and Wasafiri, as well as anthologised work for 3 of Cups Press, Hachette UK and Trapeze. Oakley is an alum of Roundhouse Poetry Collective and The London Library Emerging Writer Programme. They are a current member of The Genesis Jewish Book Week Emerging Writers' Programme. Oakley’s pamphlet is forthcoming with Out-Spoken Press.

In other news

a woman lost her wedding ring & found it again

sixteen years later growing on a carrot inside her

garden the likeliest available explanation being

she must have removed the ring whilst peeling

the potatoes she was preparing for her husband’s

evening meal the bowl the potatoes were peeled

over must have been taken outside to the garden

upturned on a pile of rotting vegetables a compost

heap slowly turning the waste materials back into

generative forms of living matter the soil turning

the potato skins into some veritable good as they

broke down to create diverse kinds of plant life

during which time the woman’s marriage soured

bitter rows ever since she first lost the object of

her promise made suddenly visible again one day

in a sliver of orange she spotted from her kitchen

which made it look as if the ring was being worn

on a much thinner finger did rabbits begin to leap

about the compost heap proclaiming the document

of proof had risen the day her ring reappeared hey 

presto instant as a parlour trick some declarative 

statement carrot the most affirming of vegetables 

the moral very clear now recycling is good or good

things come to those who wait it’s depressing even

in nature the gilded path to desire is heterosexual 

in terms like marriage objects like wedding bands 

metonymic for what is sustainable what is good

for the planet in the way paper bags are not all that 

better than plastic yet remain blameless & yes all

my anger is being recapitulated another marriage 

story another absent husband only present nominally 

I have been reading a lot about homonormativity I

have let the side down for ever wanting my happily

assimilated ever after do all the queers die lonely

& afraid & AIDS at the end


Oakley Flanagan is a writer and poet from the West Midlands, by way of Ireland. As a playwright: ‘This Queer House’, VAULT Festival, directed by Masha Kevinovna, produced by OPIA Collective. Their poetry appears in bath magg, Poetry London, Poetry Review, The North, Under the Radar and Wasafiri, as well as anthologised work for 3 of Cups Press, Hachette UK and Trapeze. Oakley is an alum of Roundhouse Poetry Collective and The London Library Emerging Writer Programme. They are a current member of The Genesis Jewish Book Week Emerging Writers' Programme. Oakley’s pamphlet is forthcoming with Out-Spoken Press.


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